Back in Storybrooke, Belle is walking around town, probably after a fight with Mr. Gold. That man will never learn. Maybe next time, she will find a boyfriend who is not all evil and 100+ years old. Shoot higher, girl. I do love her character and can't wait to see what happens next. It will be good for her to explore town and make new friends.
Her happiness may be short-lived, however. Belle, wearing a fetching blue dress, appears to dragged off by a thug, who some believe to be Smee (Hook's pal). This will lead the odd team of a werewolf (Ruby), a prince (Charming), and a magic man (Gold) to go looking for her. It should be interesting!
So, who is Belle's new friend? She needs someone to talk to after all. Her dad Moe French will appear in this episode, probably shocked that his daughter is alive and really mad that he remembers Gold beat the heck out of him. But Belle needs a girl friend her own age. She is a series regular after all and she needs to interact with people other than her boyfriend. So who is that friend? Check it out:
It's our lovely resident werewolf, Ruby! Good choice, Belle! I can't wait to hear what she says about Belle's choice in men! Ha ha! :)
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