I may have mentioned that "Once Upon a Time" is my favorite show right now. Obsessed. I just finished watching the DVD of season one plus the first new episode of the season, and I absolutely loved it. A big part of the season premiere focused on Rumplestiltskin, who is recently reunited with his love Belle.
The pair first met in fairytale land when he made a deal saving a town for the permanent companionship of Sir Maurice's lovely daughter. Belle went with him willingly knowing she would never again she her friends or family, but she was brave and essentially traded her happiness for the safety of her loved ones.
This brings me to my first question - why did Rumplestiltskin want her?
Rumplestiltskin has undoubtedly been alone in his castle for a long time with no servants to wait on him, so I bet this is the first time he had done a favor in exchange for a person. In fact, he had probably lived alone since Baelfire left. So, why did he want Belle? My theory is that he was lonely and Belle caught his eye. He knew she would be an inexperienced housekeeper, but she was beautiful and could provide him with company and conversation. He would never hope that she would love him, but maybe eventually they would become friends.
She did fall in love with him though. It is a little hard to believe. He is not kind to her, though he does catch her when she falls hanging the curtains. Did she only fall in love with him because he was her only option? After all, she is his forever. I don't want to dog on Robert Carlyle. He isn't bad looking for an older man, but as Rumplestiltskin, he is a glittery, giggly, conniving jerk. And Belle, who somehow found a ton of makeup to wear, is clearly out of his league. Still, she comes back even when he gives her the option to leave, possibly dreaming of the little gold babies they will have someday. She kisses him, hoping that true love's kiss will rid him of his demons.
Rumplestiltskin, though very much changed from his days when he was a regular man, is still deeply insecure. He has a beautiful girl in his house who is in love with him and after she kisses him, he throws her out. Dude, what is wrong with you? He thinks it is all a trick to make him lose his powers. Power is the most important thing in the world to Rumplestiltskin, not Belle. He is told later by the Evil Queen that she died, and he finally breaks down crying. He did love her after all.
The thing is, Belle didn't die. She was abducted by the queen because she knew that Belle would come in handy someday. She could ask for a favor and in return Rumple could get back his lady. Except for the little fact that Jefferson, also known as the Mad Hatter, knew that Belle was locked in the basement of the hospital of modern day Storybrooke. He was ticked off and freed the girl, telling her to seek protection of Mr. Gold (the better half of Robert Carlyle's character).
When Belle showed up at Mr. Gold's pawn shop, he was shocked. His love had been locked up for twenty-eight years without his knowledge. He promised to protect her. When Belle got her memory back, she professed her love to Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold. He cried some more and told her the same. Then they shared a steamy kiss that ranked somewhere between super hot and gross. I think it was the age difference (twenty years between the two actors).
So I guess all is forgotten? He locked her in the dungeon, made her clean his house, kicked her out, and left her in the hospital for years and she still loves him? I realize he didn't know she was there, but geez! There is also the little matter of Mr. Gold trying to beat Belle's father to death. She will be furious when she finds out.
Their final scene in the season premiere was the one that shocked me the most. Mr. Gold has Belle, they love each other, and he tries to kick her out. What the heck? Where would she have gone? She didn't do anything wrong, but he says he is a monster and probably won't change. She just laughs and tells him he needs her.
We know what's going to happen, don't we? Belle will find out how bad Mr. Gold really is and once she finds out her father is alive, will go live with him, while Gold tries to win her back. They will break up and get back together several times. The thing is, Belle has no purpose on this show except to interact with Gold. She is good and he is bad, but the two actors have great chemistry together. So, even though it is inevitable that as a couple they will have major problems, I am excited to watch. My vote is romantic - just barely.