Saturday, December 29, 2012

What Should Happen in 2013?


I am so excited "Once Upon a Time" is finally coming back from hiatus!  Five weeks has been too long!  The good news is that there is a big batch of new episodes and some awesome stuff coming up!  Six episode titles have been released: "The Cricket Game" (Regina/Archie-centric), "The Outsider" (Belle-centric, introduces Ethan Embry's mysterious new character, Mulan is featured, Hook gets in Belle's face), "In the Name of the Brother" (Whale-centric, Gold tries to get back with Belle), "Tiny" (Giant-centric?), "Manhattan" (Emma-centric, Emma goes on a road trip and meets up with Neal - more proof that he is Bealfire), and "The Queen is Dead" (probably Snow or Charming-centric, maybe Regina).  They also just cast a young Cora (Rose McGowen), so she will also have an episode soon.  Lots of good stuff ahead!

During this break, I have come up with some ideas of what I would like to happen.  It doesn't mean they will, just wishing.  This is a very difficult show to predict:
  • Gold is reunited with Baelfire, who of course will turn out to be Neal.  Bae will find out from Hook that Rumple killed his mom and he will be really angry.  Then, they will make up and hug it out.  Neal will move to town to get back in Emma's good graces.  Henry meets his dad.
  • Hook will try to get back at Gold by flirting with Belle.  Belle won't fall for his tricks.  After all, he did knock her unconscious in Fairy Tale Land.  Gold will beat up Hook (with magic of course).  Belle and Gold will profess their love for each other and they get engaged.
  • Belle will make new friends in town, particularly Henry, Archie, and Emma.  She will also finally get angry at Regina for locking her up for all those years.
  • We find out about Jefferson's wife and Grace's mother.  She has to be Alice, right?  But is she dead?  I will guess yes.
  • Snow and Charming, along with Henry and Emma move into a new house.  It is awkward at first because Snow and Charming start to act like Emma's parents even though they are all similar in age.  Emma starts to call them Mom and Dad.  Lots of love.
  • Sheriff Charming will become Mayor Charming.
  • Hook hooks up with Regina.  Whether there is real affection or just trying to get back at Cora is up for debate.
  • Cora will survive the season, but will somehow be trapped in Fairy Tale Land again.  Killing her is really series finale material, right?
  • Archie will find love with Mother Superior aka the Blue Fairy.  Or maybe Red?
  • Red will find something to do other than be Snow's sidekick.  Maybe become a leader of a gang of werewolves?
  • August will return to town to reunite with Gepetto.  He will also have some explaining to do about that twenty grand he stole from Emma.
  • Someone will travel back to Fairy Tale Land.  Regina maybe?  Gold? Whoever it is should bring Mulan, Aurora, and Philip back to town. 
  • Mulan meets Shang.
I think that is it!  Probably none of my wishes will actually happen, but will have to see!  :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Who's Your Mommy?

Even though he is the youngest, Henry Mills is a very important character on "Once Upon A Time".  After all, he is the reason Emma came to Storybrooke and broke the curse.  Without him, no one would have regained their memories.  Little Henry is kindof awesome, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have problems.  He has two - his mothers.

Emma Swan got pregnant when she was eighteen.  The father was Neal Cassidy, a thief who got Emma arrested.  Emma had a baby in jail.  Being so young and so aimless, she gave the baby up for adoption.  Whether by coincidence or by design, the baby got a new home in Storybrooke, Maine and a new mother in former evil queen Regina Mills.  Regina named her son Henry after her own father and came to love the boy more than she had ever loved anyone.  There was a problem though - Henry didn't love her back.

By most standards, Regina was a good mother to Henry.  She loved him, fed him, clothed him, protected him.  But, Henry was a very intuitive boy.  When he got a book of fairy tales from his teacher (Grandma!) Mary Margaret Blanchard, he discovered the truth.  Storybrooke, Maine wasn't a normal little town - it was a place inhabited by amnesiac storybook characters!  His adopted mother fit the profile of the evil queen.

Henry learned something else in that book of his.  His birth mother was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and she was the key to breaking the curse on their town.  Henry stole a credit card from his teacher and headed to Boston to find now twenty-eight year old Emma Swan.  It took Emma a little convincing, but she took Henry back to Maine and to his mother Regina.  Emma meant to just drop Henry off, but her mothering instincts kicked in and she decided to stay to watch over Henry.  Henry immediately was drawn to Emma and loved her.  It took Emma a little longer, but she came to love Henry as well.  That love broke the curse.

The end?  No way.  If this were the real world, Emma might try to fight for custody of Henry and would lose.  Even though he dislikes her, Henry would stay with Regina until he turned eighteen.  The kid would rebel and do everything he could think of to make Regina's life miserable.  Loud parties, piercings, drugs, running away, you name it.  This isn't the real world though, and this problem won't be solved anytime soon.

Yes, Henry feels a connection with his birth mother Emma.  Regina also loves the kid with all her heart.  So, who should Henry live with?  The answer is simple really.  Both mothers live in the same town, so they should have joint custody.  If Regina wants Henry to love and respect her, she is going to prove that she wants what is best for him.  Even if it is a good solution, I really doubt it will happen.  Henry was living with Grandpa Charming in Emma and Snow's apartment, but now that Emma is back from Fairy Tale Land, I think Henry will being living with her, while Charming and Snow live together elsewhere.  Regina will probably give in to the evil magic she has been fighting so hard against and will get Henry back by force.  I think in the end, Henry will be with Emma and Regina will be alone.  It's sad but we will just have to wait and see!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Cutest Date Ever!

Gold and Belle finally had their hamburger date!  I must confess, I squealed when I saw it.  Dorky, right?  But, it was too freaking cute!  Could this be he first time the two have seen each other since Belle moved out?

Belle was wearing a cute gold (ha!) dress and seemed really happy to be there.  Gold seemed a little bit nervous.  Why else would he talk about the joys of condiments when he was on a date with a beautiful girl?  It didn't help that everyone in the restaurant was staring at them - probably because everyone is scared of him.

Of course, their date got interrupted.  Regina stormed in and demanded Gold's help to stop her mother from entering Storybrooke.  An important task, sure, but couldn't it have waited until their date was over?  Grrrrr.  If Cora does make it to town, things could get tricky for our favorite couple.  Cora's companion Hook is gunning for Rumple, and Belle may just be the key to his undoing.  Kidnapping, ransom, trying to steal her away, you name it.  They wouldn't kill Belle, would they?  I'm pretty sure my heart would break.  I'll just keep telling myself that this is a Disney show and they will never kill a princess.  Would they?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Will Ruby Find True Love?

As I was watching the episode "Child of the Moon", I started wondering whether Ruby would find love.  In Fairy Tale Land, Red loved a boy named Peter.  Thinking he was the wolf terrorizing the town, Red tied him up outside.  It turned out, he wasn't the wolf - Red was.  He died.  Red was heartbroken.  She had killed her only love. 

In Storybrooke, Rudy was a wild young woman, dating many men in town, but never wanting to find a steady fella.  After the curse was broken, Ruby stops dating altogether.  Then, a handsome man named Billy (Gus the mouse!?) asks Ruby on a date.  Sensing Ruby is uneasy, Belle steps in to make excuses about having a girl's night.  Ruby is relieved. 

That seemed very weird to me.  Why wouldn't Ruby have gone on a date with a nice young man who seems to like her?  Is she still hung up on Peter?  It's possible, but she never mentions him.  Maybe she just isn't interested in dating anymore?  Some people online like the idea of Ruby and Belle together, as they seem to get along, but I do not.  Belle belongs with Rumple.  End of story.

So, will she find true love?  I hope so!  But, he needs to be the right guy and at the right time.  Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Neal Cassidy - Where Does He Fit In?

The opening scene of season two was a man in an NYC apartment who receives a postcard from Storybrooke with one word on it - "broken".  We met him again in episode six and learned some more about him - his name is Neal Cassidy and he is the reason Emma was in jail.  He is also Henry's dad.  I think it was pretty good casting because he does kindof look like Henry.  You know who else he looks like?  A grownup Baelfire. 

I know, this is a popular theory, but I really think it is true.  Rumplestiltskin is really old - much older than anyone else on the show.  He held Regina as a baby.  His son Bae is probably 30 years younger than him.  Hook also comes from this timeline.  Remember, he ran off with Milah before Rumple became the Dark One.  So, we know that Rumple became essentially immortal, but why have Bae and Hook lived so long?  Maybe because of a little place called Neverland. 

In Neverland, boys never grow up.  This would probably also hold true for Hook and his crew (such as Smee).  We saw Hook go to Neverland when he threw the last remaining magic bean in the water.  Wouldn't Bae's bean have taken him to the same land?  This would probably make Bae be Peter Pan.  The real question is - how and when did Bae get to America and how did Rumple know his son was still alive?  We will probably find out later, but I am quite curious. 

So, will we meet Neal again?  I'm sure we will!  No way will they introduce us to Henry's dad and never show him again!  I hope they meet this season, but I don't know for sure.  I also look forward to Bae meeting his dad again.  Will it be a happy reunion?  Does Gold know that Henry is his grandson?  He is very nice to the boy, or is he just nice to all kids?  And what about Emma?  Will she punch him or at least listen to his story?  It really is August's fault that Emma went to jail, not Neal's.  I can't wait to see what happens!  :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

When Will Emma and Snow Return to Storybrooke?

Emma and Snow have been stuck in Fairy Tale Land all season, and if you ask me, it's high time they returned to their loved ones in Storybrooke. 

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!  SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our favorite Mother-Daughter duo may be returning to Maine soon.  Not that it hasn't been interesting seeing the remains of FTL and meeting Mulan, Aurora, and Hook, but reuniting with Charming and Henry is just what this family needs. 

Van City Filming, a really cool site I recently discovered, is dedicated to posting photos of tv shows filming around Vancouver, Canada.  They have posted some great pics recently that are spoilerific.  Check out this page:  Third picture down.

It's a Charming Family reunion!  This is rumored to be episode 9 (Queen of Hearts) which is probably Cora-centric.

It got me wondering though, could the duo be Cora and Hook in disguise?  You might scoff, but nothing on OUaT is coincidence. The clothes Emma and Snow wear are pretty consistent. Snow often wears a white shirt or coat (except in the dream sequence when Regina was tied to a tree and Snow was wearing black).  Emma wears jeans and a leather jacket or sweater, pretty casual.  JustJared posted these pictures of Snow in black and brown and Emma in a dressy gray jacket.  Am I wrong?  Could it be possible that Hook and Cora took over their bodies or at least cast a spell to look like them?  It would create drama and doesn't it seem a little early for them to come back?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Whale of a Tale

We will finally find out the Fairy Tale Land identity of Dr. Whale in the next episode, appropriately named "The Doctor".  His identity has been a big mystery, but I believe ABC gave away the answer in the previews.


When I read that people thought Dr. Whale was Dr. Frankenstein, I laughed.  Why in the heck would they use a character from a horror novel when this is a show about fairy tales?  I should have believed the people who guessed correctly, because I also laughed when they thought August Booth was Pinocchio and they were totally right.

So, I guess it fits that the upcoming episode will be shown around Halloween, because we are about to meet the evil doctor and his monster. The monster?  That would be Daniel, Regina's long dead love.  According to previews released by ABC, we will see flashbacks of the doctor attempting to give Daniel life after he was murdered by Cora and the experiment goes horribly wrong.  Will Dr. Whale survive the episode?  We shall see.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Is Rumbelle Over?

I think my heart broke a little watching "The Crocodile". There was a lot going on in the episode, but the thing that really hit me the hardest was Belle dumping Rumplestiltskin. As I have said before, the pairing is a little odd considering the age difference and because she is good and he is somewhat evil, but darn it, I still really like them together.

At the beginning of the episode, Belle is having a bad dream about Rumple. In the dream, he gives her a fancy necklace, then tries to strangle Grumpy when he comes in to the store. Belle wakes up suddenly and we get a subtle glimpse into the couple's life. She looks over at the other side of the bed to find Rumple gone, which lets us know that they are sleeping in the same bed. It could be innocent - maybe she doesn't like to be alone since the asylum, but then we see what Miss Belle is wearing - a silky nightgown. Hmmm, maybe it isn't so innocent.

Belle hunts down Rumple and finds him doing secret experiments in the basement. She is immediately suspicious and decides to run away. She somehow finds her way to Granny's and meets Ruby, all while getting a sugar high from the three iced teas she drinks. She and Ruby hit it off, and Belle confides that she may soon be single and is in need of a job and a life. So she wants to dump Rumple because he is secretive? I get what she is saying, but dang girl, the man loves you and buys you fancy clothes, couldn't you think this through a little better?

Taking Ruby's advice, Belle finds the library in town, the boarded up building with the clock tower, and peeks inside. Here's what I don't understand - why would there be a fully-stocked library in town that is boarded up? Is this Regina's doing? Maybe the only purpose for this building is because it is meant to be Belle's. Belle loves books, even though we have never seen her read one. We are just supposed to know this from the cartoon?

So, Belle gets kidnapped by Smee under orders of her creepy florist dad, who wants to send her out of town so she will forget about Rumple (who she loves!). Meanwhile, Rumple is looking for his beloved with the help of the new sherriff in town, Charming. Rumple asks him for dating advice, which is funny and sad at the same time. Rumple knows Belle is unhappy and wants to make things right.

Eventually, Rumple, Charming, and Ruby find Belle in the mines and Rumple uses some magic to pull her back to him. Instead of being grateful, Belle says she never wants to see Rumple or her father ever again. Sigh. Her dad is ridiculous, so I get that, but Rumple really didn't do anything to you, dearie!

The next day, Belle visits Ruby once again, wearing the ugliest skirt I have ever seen. Seriously, it made her hips look huge. Yikes. Anyway, someone left Belle a present - the key to the library and presumably a start to a new life. She opens the place up and Rumple is hiding in the corner. He tells her an apartment goes with the library if she wants it and she tells him that isn't enough to get her back. Uh oh. Rumple knows he lost her but before he goes, he tells her the truth about Baelfire. I don't know why he didn't just tell her to begin with, but she knows now. It softens her up a bit, but they still seperate, with the promise of meeting for hamburgers at Granny's sometime.

Wow, so Rumbelle is no more, for now. I really don't think Belle has much purpose on this show other than being a love interest for Rumple, so I am interested what she will do now. Obviously, she has a new job, and a new friend in Ruby, but I really truly hope that she and Rumple will get back together soon. She should still live seperately from him and start slow, but darn it, I really want this kids to be together! I really think they will work things out soon. It is a Disney show after all and they won't disappoint me, right? Rumbelle forever! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Henry's Dad - The Mystery Revealed?

It has been a big old mystery who Henry's dad is, but I think I have figured it out. 


ABC recently released the press release for Episode 6 - "Tallahassee".  Check it out at the bottom of the page. 

Check out the guest stars. Michael Raymond-James as Neal Cassady. Michael Raymond-James is the guy we saw in the first scene of episode one - the guy in NYC who received the postcard that simply said "broken". He is set to appear in this episode (and a few more episodes later). Is the character named after this guy?

He is the guy who everyone thought was Baelfire (and still may be), but now I think we can safely assume he is Henry's dad. Am I way off?  They do kindof look alike:

Also, look who else will appear - Eion Bailey aka August Booth/Pinocchio! Yay!

EMMA TREKS UP A BEANSTALK WITH A NOT-TOO-TRUSTWORTHY CAPTAIN HOOK TO STEAL A COMPASS FROM A MURDEROUS GIANT, AND EMMA'S PAST IS REVEALED, ON ABC'S "ONCE UPON A TIME"  "Tallahassee" - With the hopes of finding a magical compass that could help her and Mary Margaret get back to Storybrooke, Emma takes a journey with a not-too-trustworthy Captain Hook up a treacherous beanstalk in an attempt to steal the item from a murderous giant (Jorge Garcia, "Lost"). Meanwhile, Emma's past is revealed to be anything but magical when she meets up with a fellow thief who wants to make an honest woman out of her, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.  "Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby, and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.  Guest starring are Michael Raymond-James as Neal Cassady, Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones/Hook, Sarah Bolger as Aurora, Jamie Chung as Mulan, Eion Bailey as August W. Booth/Pinocchio, Jorge Garcia as Giant, Marc-Anthony Massiah as traffic cop, Tony Alcantar as cashier, Fane Tse as customer, Artine Brown as cop and Kerry Sandomirsky as Loretta. "Tallahassee" was written by Christine Boylan & Jane Espenson and directed by Dave Barrett.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Belle Might Be Getting A New Friend - OUaT

SPOILER ALERT!  SPOILER ALERT!  If you don't like to be spoiled, turn back now!

I am so excited for episode four of Once Upon a Time!  The episode is called "The Crocodile" and it is the first episode to feature Captain Hook, who will become a series regular for the last nine episodes.  This one also seems to be Rumplestiltskin/Belle-centric, which is very exciting.  We will also be meeting Rumple's wife, the one who left him before he became all evil.  She is somehow tied in to the Captain Hook part of the story. 

Back in Storybrooke, Belle is walking around town, probably after a fight with Mr. Gold.  That man will never learn.  Maybe next time, she will find a boyfriend who is not all evil and 100+ years old.  Shoot higher, girl.  I do love her character and can't wait to see what happens next.  It will be good for her to explore town and make new friends.

Her happiness may be short-lived, however.  Belle, wearing a fetching blue dress, appears to dragged off by a thug, who some believe to be Smee (Hook's pal).  This will lead the odd team of a werewolf (Ruby), a prince (Charming), and a magic man (Gold) to go looking for her.  It should be interesting!

So, who is Belle's new friend?  She needs someone to talk to after all.  Her dad Moe French will appear in this episode, probably shocked that his daughter is alive and really mad that he remembers Gold beat the heck out of him.  But Belle needs a girl friend her own age.  She is a series regular after all and she needs to interact with people other than her boyfriend.  So who is that friend?  Check it out:
It's our lovely resident werewolf, Ruby!  Good choice, Belle!  I can't wait to hear what she says about Belle's choice in men!  Ha ha!  :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rumbelle - Romantic or Super Creepy?

I may have mentioned that "Once Upon a Time" is my favorite show right now.  Obsessed.  I just finished watching the DVD of season one plus the first new episode of the season, and I absolutely loved it.  A big part of the season premiere focused on Rumplestiltskin, who is recently reunited with his love Belle. 

The pair first met in fairytale land when he made a deal saving a town for the permanent companionship of Sir Maurice's lovely daughter.  Belle went with him willingly knowing she would never again she her friends or family, but she was brave and essentially traded her happiness for the safety of her loved ones. 

This brings me to my first question - why did Rumplestiltskin want her?

Rumplestiltskin has undoubtedly been alone in his castle for a long time with no servants to wait on him, so I bet this is the first time he had done a favor in exchange for a person.  In fact, he had probably lived alone since Baelfire left.  So, why did he want Belle?  My theory is that he was lonely and Belle caught his eye.  He knew she would be an inexperienced housekeeper, but she was beautiful and could provide him with company and conversation.  He would never hope that she would love him, but maybe eventually they would become friends. 

She did fall in love with him though.  It is a little hard to believe.  He is not kind to her, though he does catch her when she falls hanging the curtains.  Did she only fall in love with him because he was her only option?  After all, she is his forever.  I don't want to dog on Robert Carlyle.  He isn't bad looking for an older man, but as Rumplestiltskin, he is a glittery, giggly, conniving jerk.  And Belle, who somehow found a ton of makeup to wear, is clearly out of his league.  Still, she comes back even when he gives her the option to leave, possibly dreaming of the little gold babies they will have someday.  She kisses him, hoping that true love's kiss will rid him of his demons.

Rumplestiltskin, though very much changed from his days when he was a regular man, is still deeply insecure.  He has a beautiful girl in his house who is in love with him and after she kisses him, he throws her out.  Dude, what is wrong with you?  He thinks it is all a trick to make him lose his powers.  Power is the most important thing in the world to Rumplestiltskin, not Belle.  He is told later by the Evil Queen that she died, and he finally breaks down crying.  He did love her after all.

The thing is, Belle didn't die.  She was abducted by the queen because she knew that Belle would come in handy someday.  She could ask for a favor and in return Rumple could get back his lady.  Except for the little fact that Jefferson, also known as the Mad Hatter, knew that Belle was locked in the basement of the hospital of modern day Storybrooke.  He was ticked off and freed the girl, telling her to seek protection of Mr. Gold (the better half of Robert Carlyle's character). 

When Belle showed up at Mr. Gold's pawn shop, he was shocked.  His love had been locked up for twenty-eight years without his knowledge.  He promised to protect her.  When Belle got her memory back, she professed her love to Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.  He cried some more and told her the same.  Then they shared a steamy kiss that ranked somewhere between super hot and gross.  I think it was the age difference (twenty years between the two actors).

So I guess all is forgotten?  He locked her in the dungeon, made her clean his house, kicked her out, and left her in the hospital for years and she still loves him?  I realize he didn't know she was there, but geez!  There is also the little matter of Mr. Gold trying to beat Belle's father to death. She will be furious when she finds out. 

Their final scene in the season premiere was the one that shocked me the most.  Mr. Gold has Belle, they love each other, and he tries to kick her out.  What the heck?  Where would she have gone?  She didn't do anything wrong, but he says he is a monster and probably won't change.  She just laughs and tells him he needs her. 

We know what's going to happen, don't we?  Belle will find out how bad Mr. Gold really is and once she finds out her father is alive, will go live with him, while Gold tries to win her back.  They will break up and get back together several times.  The thing is, Belle has no purpose on this show except to interact with Gold.  She is good and he is bad, but the two actors have great chemistry together.  So, even though it is inevitable that as a couple they will have major problems, I am excited to watch.  My vote is romantic - just barely.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Once Upon A Time - What will happen next?

After a long summer of waiting, the new season of "Once Upon A Time" finally arrives on September 30. "Once", in my opinion, was the best new show of the 2011-2012 season and has a great cast of characters that you won't see anywhere else on tv.

If you forgot what happened during the season finale, here's a little recap: Regina tried to kill Emma with a poison apple baked into a turnover. Henry tried to warn Emma that Regina wanted to kill her. To prove it, Henry ate the poisoned treat and became deathly ill. Jefferson, aka the Mad Hatter, freed Belle from the psych ward under the hospital and told her to find Mr. Gold and tell him that Regina locked her up. She did and Mr. Gold was shocked to find his long-lost love alive all this time, though she has no idea who he is because of the curse. Meanwhile, everyone is gathered in Storybrooke hospital as Henry stops breathing. Emma kisses her son and tells him she loves him. Then, all kinds of crazy stuff happens. Henry wakes up, everyone gets their memories back, Snow and Charming are reunited after breaking up for the millionth time, and Regina makes a run for it. Mr. Gold is far away from the action in town as he and Belle go to the magical well deep in the forest. He drops the true love potion, the one Emma rescued from the dragon's belly, into the well, creating a purple smoke that envelops the town. Magic is coming, Mr. Gold tells Belle. Belle, who now has her memories back and professes her love for the pawn broker, is ticked. Oh, and August turned to wood. He is Pinocchio after all.

All caught up? Good.

So, what's going to happen next? Is the curse really broken? Everyone remembers who they are, but they haven't been transported back to Fairytale Land yet. Here are my predictions for season two, based on casting, previews, and my own imagination:
  • Emma will get custody of Henry. Regina did almost kill him, plus the whole town is against her now. But, Emma has never raised a kid, so her relationship with Henry will change drastically. She will have to be a parent, not just a friend.

  • Mr. Gold and Belle will not get their happily-ever-after. He chose magic over her. Twice. A girl can only take so much. They will argue throughout the season, and she will probably move back in with her dad, while Mr. Gold tries to win her back. He will promise her to give up magic but will still do it behind her back. He thinks he needs it to find Baelfire, the only person he loves more than Belle..

  • August will stay wooden, for now. The story has too many other people to focus on right now. He will be back toward the end of the season.

  • Baelfire will return with the help of Rumple's magic, but it will not be a happy reunion between father and son. Bae has had a long time to be bitter that his father abandoned him. He will also be revealed as Henry's father. Henry will like him despite his faults and try to fix him up with Emma, who hates him for abandoning her.

  • Snow and Charming will finally be together, for awhile, but she will still be angry with him for choosing Katherine over her. Emma and Snow's relationship will become strained now that they know they are related. Emma will question her parents as to why she was given up, and she will not forgive easily.

  • We will learn what happened to Regina's wicked mother. I predict that Regina stole her mother's power and banished her to Wonderland where she became the Queen of Hearts.

  • Dr. Whale will be revealed as King Triton, Ariel's (the little mermaid) father. His name has to have something to do with water, right?

  • David aka Charming will side with Regina, becoming her only ally for now. She has always been nice to him, and he sees her as a person wrongly accused. Of course, this causes problems between him and Snow.

  • Jefferson will be revealed to be Regina's brother or some other sort of relative. They seem to have a history together, and he is one of the few people who doesn't seem scared of her. Also, we will find out that Jefferson's long lost wife is none other than Alice of Wonderland.

So what do you think? Do you think any of my predictions will come true?


Welcome to my "Once Upon a Time" fansite!  I am absolutely obsessed with this show and its characters.  I will be posting mostly about upcoming news on the show, my predictions, spoilers, and rants.

If you comment on my posts, please keep it classy.  You don't have to agree with me, but let's be nice, okay?  Another thing, I try hard, but I am not the best writer in the world.  Keep that in mind.

I have a lot to say, so let's get going!  :)