Monday, January 14, 2013


Oh my gosh, last night's episode of "Once Upon a Time" was so good!  It was intense, surprising, and it was full of delicious Rumbelle!  My favorite part?  It was all about Belle!

Belle's hair has gotten straighter, right?  I preferred the curls, but she looks more modern this way.  Either way, Belle and Rumple seem happier than ever.  They had a picnic in his store last week (rudely interrupted by the Charmings) and they spent a lot of time together this week.  Granted, a lot of their together time centered around violence, but the love was still there.

Hook is seriously my least favorite character right now (after the horrible Cora of course).  The Jack-Sparrow-wannabe broke in to the library with the intent of killing Belle.  Girlfriend is probably 5'2" 110 pounds and he is trying to fight her?  Seriously?  Hook had already knocked Belle out in her cell in Fairy Tale Land and now he is pointing guns at her and threatening to kill her?  Hate you, Guyliner!

Hook breaks in to the library and Belle knocks a shelf of books on his ugly mug.  She runs for the elevator and locks herself inside.  If I remember correctly, Regina used that elevator to reach Maleficent the dragon last season.  Miss Belle calls her beloved on their matchy-matchy cell phones but Storybrooke has pretty crappy cell reception.  The doors are finally pried open and Belle backs up in the corner, thinking this is probably the end.  But, no, it is her own Prince Charming - Rumpelstiltskin to the rescue!  Hugs all around!  This would probably be a romantic moment, but Rumbelle discovers Hook's attack was just a diversion to get Gold out of his store so Smee could rob it.  What was he after?  Baelfire's shawl, Gold's treasured item, and his only way of leaving town.

So, Gold gets all violent on his shop and smashes everything in sight before Belle stops him.  Gold yells at her.  I yell at the screen for him to stop yelling at her.  It's all very healthy!  Gold gives Belle, the most non-violent person on the planet, a gun to use on Hook.  Belle has a better idea, she is going after Hook herself.  She finds his invisible boat and boards.  Archie is on this boat!  Belle frees him and tells him to bring Gold, which is kindof funny because Archie is the one who told Hook about her.  Irony!  Gold gets on the boat, beats the heck out of Hook (again, funny because Gold is short and old and Hook is tall and young) before Belle stops him.  That Gold can be pretty scary sometimes.

Having the shawl back, Gold and Belle take a trip to the Storybrooke town line.  Gold will be going alone but Belle will be waiting when he gets back.  Gold leans in to kiss Belle, and bang!  Hook is there with a gun and Belle crumples to the ground, falling over the town line in the process.  All of her memories are gone.  Gasp!  Belle was the only one who believed in Rumple, that he was a good man, and now he has no one.  She has no idea who he is!  In a preview for next week's episode, Gold tries to give Belle true-love's kiss and she screams and backs away from him in fear.  Belle getting shot and losing her memory has really bummed me out.  I was sad when they broke up in "The Crocodile", but this is so much worse.  There is a glimmer of hope though.  Belle can get to know Gold/Rumple all over again.  They can fall in love again.  They can have their happily ever after.  And if Belle somehow does get her memory back, I hope she lets Gold kills Hook this time.  I really do.

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