The opening scene of season two was a man in an NYC apartment who receives a postcard from Storybrooke with one word on it - "broken". We met him again in episode six and learned some more about him - his name is Neal Cassidy and he is the reason Emma was in jail. He is also Henry's dad. I think it was pretty good casting because he does kindof look like Henry. You know who else he looks like? A grownup Baelfire.
I know, this is a popular theory, but I really think it is true. Rumplestiltskin is really old - much older than anyone else on the show. He held Regina as a baby. His son Bae is probably 30 years younger than him. Hook also comes from this timeline. Remember, he ran off with Milah before Rumple became the Dark One. So, we know that Rumple became essentially immortal, but why have Bae and Hook lived so long? Maybe because of a little place called Neverland.
In Neverland, boys never grow up. This would probably also hold true for Hook and his crew (such as Smee). We saw Hook go to Neverland when he threw the last remaining magic bean in the water. Wouldn't Bae's bean have taken him to the same land? This would probably make Bae be Peter Pan. The real question is - how and when did Bae get to America and how did Rumple know his son was still alive? We will probably find out later, but I am quite curious.
So, will we meet Neal again? I'm sure we will! No way will they introduce us to Henry's dad and never show him again! I hope they meet this season, but I don't know for sure. I also look forward to Bae meeting his dad again. Will it be a happy reunion? Does Gold know that Henry is his grandson? He is very nice to the boy, or is he just nice to all kids? And what about Emma? Will she punch him or at least listen to his story? It really is August's fault that Emma went to jail, not Neal's. I can't wait to see what happens! :)